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Safety Tips to Prevent Pedestrian Traffic Accidents

Pedestrian accidents across the nation have been on the decline, but each day hundreds of pedestrians are injured in a traffic-related accident.

The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention estimate that every two hours, a pedestrian dies from injuries in a traffic accident. The rate of pedestrian death actually increases with age, which means our elderly loved ones are in the greatest danger of being injured by a careless driver.

Louisiana’s Pedestrian Danger Index is 116, according to Smart Growth America, which means it is the third most dangerous state for pedestrians.

As a pedestrian, keep the following tips in mind when you’re walking:

  • Always use a designated crosswalk or intersection
  • If a crosswalk is not available, wait until the road is clear enough to cross – do not attempt to dart in front of traffic
  • Increase your visibility at night by carrying a flashlight or wearing bright clothing
  • Always use the sidewalk, if one is not available walk on the road shoulder facing traffic
  • Do not walk if you have been drinking as your judgment may be impaired
  • Be alert while you are out walking,


Drivers must also work to avoid pedestrian accidents by not driving distracted, making sure to give pedestrians the right of way when they are crossing the street and being extra cautious around pedestrian heavy areas.

Have you or someone you love been injured in a pedestrian accident? Did you know that personal injury victims may be entitled to compensation for their pain and suffering?

The attorneys at Simien & Simien are dedicated to fighting for the rights of the injured and can help you determine what your legal options are.