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Automotive Archives - Simien & Simien, LLC

Driver Requirements for Reporting Car Accidents in Louisiana, U.S

After a car accident in Louisiana, you may be required to report the incident. Below, our attorneys discuss the state’s accident reporting requirements and why filing an accident report is to your benefit. If you were injured in a collision, you may be eligible for compensation for the damages you

Determining Liability for a Merging Accident

Merging onto the freeway or another busy road is a high-level driving technique that requires a driver to maintain the speed of traffic and pay close attention when approaching multiple lanes of traffic. Unfortunately, many drivers do not know how to merge in a safe manner and cause merging accidents

How Are Car Accident Damages Measured?

Car collisions are expensive, victims face bills for everything from medical treatment to car repairs. If you have been involved in a car accident you may be considering seeking compensation for the damages you incurred. Below, you can find out what type of compensation you may be entitled to and

What Not to Do After a Car Accident

Car accidents take us by surprise. They are shocking events that may leave us shaken up and unsure of what to do. This is why it is so easy to make various mistakes after a car accident. If you or a loved one has experienced an injury after a car

Can I File a Damages Claim if I am Partially at Fault in an Accident?

If you have been involved in an accident that you partially caused, there is still a chance that you may be able to recover damages. Learn about the comparative fault law in Louisiana and see how it may affect your car accident case. The Baton Rouge car accident lawyers at

Court of Appeals Upholds Wrongful Death Jury Verdict for Parents of Children Killed in Crash

Louisiana’s First Circuit Court of Appeals heard an appeal of a $4.4 million wrongful death jury verdict in a case brought by the Lanus family, whose children (nine-year-old Sarai Lanus and six-year-old Daylon Lanus) were killed in a 2014 car accident off Highway 928. The court decided to uphold the

Why It Is So Important to Follow Doctor’s Orders After a Car Accident Injury

You have probably heard that it is critical to seek medical care immediately after a car accident. What you may not have heard is how important it is to follow the doctor’s orders and attend follow-up appointments. Viable car accident claims can fall apart when victims do not continue their

4 Things Your Insurance Adjuster Will Not Tell You

It is no secret that insurance companies do not always put your best interests first. At the end of the day, insurance companies are businesses and saving money – by not giving you what you deserve – is their end goal in the claims process. When dealing with these companies,

5 Truck Accident Details to Know Before Meeting a Truck Accident Lawyer

If you are a survivor of an accident involving a commercial truck, you are one of the lucky ones. Injuries and property damage from truck accidents are often catastrophic, with victims in passenger vehicles often losing their lives. If you, your passengers, or your vehicle suffered damages in the crash,

Penalties for Driving Under the Influence in the State of Louisiana

Driving under the influence is one of the main causes of car accidents in Louisiana, and the outcome of these crashes is often fatal. In 2017, 212 people in Louisiana lost their lives in accidents caused by alcohol impairment, this accounted for 27.9 percent of all accident fatalities in the