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Simien & Simien Personal Injury Law Blog

How can I help my fiancée become a permanent resident?

You came to the United States to attend university. Then after graduation, you landed a job as an engineer in the oil industry and eventually became a citizen. However, you now have a fiancée in your home country. You want to bring her to the United States and help her

How common is truck driver fatigue?

When you start yawning while driving, you probably know that it is time to head home or pull to the side of the road to rest. However, due to a wide variety of factors, truck drivers may not pull off the road when they become fatigued or drowsy. How common

What workers need to know about third-party injury claims

Suffering an injury at work unfortunately is all too common. In 2019, about 2.8 million private industry employees suffered injuries at work in the United States. Plus, those who work physical labor jobs – those in the construction, healthcare, trucking or manufacturing industries – are more likely to suffer workplace

5 mistakes to avoid after a car accident

Car accidents can happen anywhere and at any time. While the number of people injured in car accidents has been on the decline in Louisiana in recent years, more than 10,500 still suffered serious injuries in Louisiana auto accidents in 2019 and 754 people tragically died in 2019 car crashes.

What damages can I recover after my 18-wheeler accident?

A car accident with another passenger vehicle can cause serious physical injuries to the victims. An accident between a passenger vehicle and a commercial truck, like an 18-wheeler, can result in catastrophic injuries with a lifetime of consequences. A catastrophic injury can come in the form of paralysis, permanent scars

What is the Jones Act and how does it affect you?

If you work in the maritime industry in any capacity, you are likely impacted by the Jones Act. Put into place shortly after the First World War, it is a sometimes controversial act governing how goods can be transported between U.S. ports. It began in 1920 and takes its name

You can avoid many leading causes of car crashes

Some situations that lead to severe car crashes aren’t easily preventable. For example, you can’t avoid getting behind the wheel anytime it’s windy or rainy. However, a significant number of crashes that occur every year are the result of bad decision-making or poor driving habits. Identifying some of the leading

Oh, no, not again: major SUV safety recall announced

Some Ford vehicles of relatively recent vintage know the inside of company dealers’ repair departments quite well. And for good reason: They’ve been there multiple times for the same issue. The auto industry publication Car and Driver spotlights that issue – a serious vehicle malfunction and safety glitch – in

These signs could point to a serious brain injury

Bodies try to warn people of illnesses and injuries in various ways. Of course, it is not always easy to know what your body is trying to tell you. You may think feeling sleepy means you need to go to bed and that a little forgetfulness is normal. However, if

OSHA: Worksite safety emphasis must be proactive, constant

Implement strict protocols about workers wearing protective gear around power tools and machinery. Require supervisors to follow up promptly and in accordance with company policies concerning worker illnesses and injuries. Ensure that appropriate safety training is consistently provided to employees. Anticipate workplace risks and promptly address them. That mantra-like list